An Abbreviated Title to an Abbreviated Poem

An Abbreviated Title to an Abbreviated Poem

July 13 2022; people 119

A Greatly Abbreviated Poem on the Law of Prevention of Swelling, Bloating, Dilating, and Expansion of MDF Sinks

A law of nature is that,

Water must not rest on an MDF sink,

Even if it shaped rather like a vat,

At least, that is what I think,

For the law is the law,

And must be followed by all!

When the fake wood is dilated,

This is a sign that the law was violated,

Another, when the wood has exploded,

And the paint eroded!

For the law is the law,

And must be followed by all!

This law is quite easy, you see,

I only ask, it is a simple plea,

If you see water, don’t let it lie,

Grab a towel and wipe it dry!

For the law is the law,

And must be followed by all!

If you have nothing, use your pants, shorts, or shirt.

Or whatever in which that you are girt,

And when you go out wet, or maybe bare,

Simply be glad that you are doing your share!

For the law is the law,

And must be followed by all!

About the Author

"The only thing that anybody really knows about this author is that he is a real nutcase."

-Anonymous reporter

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