The Rancorous Return of the Fearful Festoons

The Rancorous Return of the Fearful Festoons

July 13 2022; people 154

Maugre Solanine pounded the table with his fist, jostling the flickering candle, spilling molten wax on the table. The messenger watched it seep into the cracks betwixt the rough wooden planks.

“Where is he?” He snarled at the cowering courier.

“M-m-my liege, the rider would not tell me where Laroxe the miserly was and I was hard-pressed to bring this message into your knowledge immediately, sire.”

Maugre narrowed his eyes down to pinpricks, an oft practiced move, and masticated his lip, attempting to control his strong temper. The insolence of this… this flea! To bring a message of great portance and leave out a main piece. Nay, the core piece. He ought to be beheaded! Fed to the Chydkase! Thrown from a cliff into the raging sea! Maugre sighed. Yet, it will do nothing to kill my best messenger, no matter how angry I am. Maugre turned away and waved his hand dismissively.

The messenger crept backwards, edging towards the door.

“Oh, yes,” Maugre turned back around. “Tell the guards to raise the Fearful Festoons.”

The courier gasped. Maugre smiled.

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"The only thing that anybody really knows about this author is that he is a real nutcase."

-Anonymous reporter

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